Monthly Archives: August 2013

Video and Notes for Systematic Theology Weeks 18 & 19

The Systematic Theology Series continues.  When we began, I had no method for estimating how long it may take to get through the various topics and “-ologies” I hoped to address.  But now we’ve passed weeks 18 & 19 and we’ve yet to exhaust the attributes of God.  So, this may take a while.  But, I have to say, I’m really enjoying teaching this series.

Here are the notes for Week 18 – The Truthfulness of God and Week 19 – The Love and Goodness of God.

The corresponding YouTube videos can be found here and here.

Preaching in Chattanooga

Well, the 30th session of the Sovereign Grace Bible Conference has come to a close. It was a most enjoyable week.  Over my years of attending this conference, I have formed friendships and bonds of fellowship that will last for the balance of my lifetime. And their willingness to continue putting me in the pulpit is nothing less than grace, grace, grace.

Here is the audio from my message this year.  I called it “Our God Reigns” in keeping with the theme of this year’s conference.  The sound is passible, but you will hear occasional audio glitches.  Somewhere between the wireless mic and the soundboard, syllables disappeared.  But, nothing that will keep you from understanding what’s being said.

Our God Reigns

And thanks to James Guyo for these two photos:

Jim New Home Pulpit Jim New Home Pulpit 2

Messages from the entire conference will be available in the days to come, via the main conference website: Sovereign Grace Bible Conference