Angels and Demons — New Notes!

We are continuing our study of Systematic Theology and here are the notes for the last three weeks:

Angelology Part 3

Demonology Part 1

Demonology Part 2

I appreciate all the positive feedback.  These appear to be subjects that have piqued the interest of our listeners.  And that’s good.  Anytime God’s word make people sit up and pay attention, that’s a positive thing.  Thanks again.

One thought on “Angels and Demons — New Notes!

  1. Pam sharp

    Hey pastor Jim! I just finished tape 6 in Matthew and I am just almost ( almost is as good as it gets for me)speechless.
    Oh my gosh, I just have to say again how blessed we are to have God using you to convey his Truths!
    I’ve always believed what you are teaching but when you point out particular Scriptures that I have just passed over, it is just thrilling because it confirms it.
    I’m sure you know how appreciated you are but I just had to let you know! Again.
    Just thanking God for pointing me to your church years ago.
    God love ya!!
    Pam sharp.


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