Category Archives: Theology

By Grace Alone – in Tagalog update

Many thanks to our listeners and readers in the Philippines!  Especially our friend, Fiel.  He has sent me an updated PDF of the Tagalog version of my book “By Grace Alone.”  The very fact that it is being translated and distributed is divine providence in action.  And I am very grateful for the effort it took to produce and update it.

You can download it, for free, right here:  TAGALOG By Grace Alone

The Grace Doctrines at ETT 2018

I had the distinct pleasure of teaching the doctrines of grace at the Embracing the Truth Conference this year, along with Roger Skepple.  Sadly, the audio I came home with was …. well, let’s say “lacking.”  For reasons that defy explanation, the audio jumped from various mics.  Some near, some far.  So, I applied what digital processing I could.  I squeezed, EQ’d, and compressed the audio, trying to make it more listenable.  In the end, the true die-hards who really want to know what we said will take the time to listen.  But, it takes a bit more work than I normally require from our listeners.  There are good spots and there are tougher spots, but you can indeed understand our presentations if you try.  So, give it a listen and see how it goes.

Let me also mention that Roger’s books, including his writing on the Doctrines of Grace are available on Amazon.  (click)

And my book can be found on our site as a pdf or as an Amazon Kindle download. 

The History and Total Depravity – Jim McClarty

Unconditional Election – Roger Skepple

Limited Atonement – Jim McClarty

Irresistible Grace – Roger Skepple

Perseverance of the Saints – Jim McClarty

The Wrap-Up and Implications of the Doctrines – Roger Skepple