This YouTube channel is a hodgepodge of things theological, musical, and whimsical. When I first created the channel and needed a screen name, I entered SBGGCA (Salvation By Grace / Grace Christian Assembly) with the intention of using it for strictly theological purposes. But, when we began the SalvationByGraceOrg series of teaching videos, the SBGGCA channel became more of a catch-all, allowing me a place to post a wide variety of videos.
Jim, Thank you for teaching me about God. I have never been a church goer, but always felt the need to seek out what Gods plan is for me personally. Understanding the word is important to me and I just wanted to say that you have been instrumental in accomplishing that.
Thank you and God bless.
You are more than welcome. Thank God for His gracious providence.
Jim, Do you have any biblical /scriptural teaching referencing “Burial vs Cremation”? I’ve checked the GCA website and the YouTube videos without any luck. Your guidance and insight would be much appreciated. Thanks, jdb
Thanks Jewell. I guess you’re correct. I don’t have anything posted on that topic. And I know it’s a topic that causes concern and debate among Christians. But the subject (and the distinction) is not addressed in the Bible. Once a body is dead, burial is the usual, respectful way of disposing of it. But people were also drowned, burned in conflagrations, and left in fields to be eaten by animals. We are never told that the unburied were thereby unsaved. So, while I personally lean toward burial, I cannot make a solid case against cremation. And, these days, with so many bodies living and dying, I can see why people are looking for more immediate solutions. Then again, feel free to pull me aside anytime and we can talk about it further.