Category Archives: Musings

Embracing the Truth 2024 Notes

GCA is now on Amazon Music

In our ongoing efforts to reach more people and expand our listening audience, GCA is now on Amazon Music, as well as Apple Music and other RSS feeds. Here is the direct link to our new Amazon page: GCA on Amazon

And, of course, you can find our Apple podcast messages here.

Once again, thanks to all the folk who make this possible. Your love and support is what has kept us going for these 21+ years.


For the last several years I have attended and lectured at the Texas meeting of the Sovereign Grace Bible Conference. But, this year I was prevented from traveling, due to some ongoing (and very annoying) back troubles. Nevertheless, Elder Gregg Wren from The Saint’s Chapel in Mesquite, TX asked if I would record and submit teaching for this year’s conference, which I was happy to do. This year, he left it up to the lecturers to choose their own topic. Over the years, I have touched on various aspects of “tracing the seed” here at GCA. But here, for the first time, I was able to set it out in a more organized systematic way. I have titled this teaching “Seedology,” after a suggestion from David Morris. It’s in four parts. The first three sections lay out the Old Testament evidence and the fourth segment pulls it all together.

Once again, I’m so very grateful for the friendship and encouragement I have received from the Sovereign Grace Bible Conference through these many years. And here, for your dining and dancing pleasure, is Seedology —-

Seedology, Part 1
Seedology, Part 2
Seedology, Part 3
Seedology, Part 4

Hallelujah, What A Savior

It’s been a while since I fired up the recording software to make some new music. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve returned to one of my most beloved hymns and gave it a bit of a sonic update. I continue to enjoy Studio One 5 and the multiplicity of sounds and instruments that are available on the internet for free (or close to it).

And so begins 2021

This morning was a not a typical meeting at GCA. Instead of a Bible study, we spent the morning sharing with one another about God’s goodness and provision through an otherwise difficult, crazy year. Consequently, there is no new audio message for Jan 3, 2021, but I did make some opening comments that include our internet listeners, so I have posted that audio here.

Jan. 3, 2021 – Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul