I was privileged to be at the Embracing the Truth Conference 2017 last week. I taught for three mornings. God was good. My health held out, my voice didn’t wain too much, and I got to see friends and brothers who I only get to visit with a couple times a year. So, all in all, a mighty good week.
In the weeks to come, the other messages from the conference will be posted on the conference website: sovereigngracebibleconference.org
In the meantime, here are my three presentations. The third day, the ear-mounted microphone gave me some trouble. That’s the cause for the various clicks and pops. But, I think the audio is still quite listenable.
ETT 2017 – Sovereignty and Prayer
I appreciate the audio posts… now get some rest! 🙂
As bad as this cold is kicking me around, I may not have any choice.